CMA® program

Become a Certified Management Accountant

Achieving the CMA® demonstrates that you possess a set of skills and professional expertise in financial planning, analysis, control, decision support and professional ethics, which are competences in demand by organizations around the world.

The CMA® is a globally recognized certificate administered by the Institute of Management Accountants (IMA®), a worldwide association encompassing more than 70,000 members operating mainly in the fields of accounting and finance.


It is an advanced level credential appropriate for accountants and financial professionals working in business.


Whether you want to accelerate your career, take your knowledge to the next level, or explore the world of financial management and accounting, the CMA® will help you set the standard for professional excellence.


It is a time-efficient and cost-effective certification program with the potential to deliver significant return on your investment.


Benefits of The CMA® Program


1. Earn 63% more in total compensation than non-CMAs


2. Access new career opportunities


3. Presented three times a year within the scheduled windows, and offered in hundreds of locations worldwide


4. Become a part of a large network of professionals worldwide


5. Exempted from presenting seven papers of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA®) exam


Complete the form below and download the brochure, schedule, and application form


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